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  • Can I request the same staff member for recurring services?
    Yes. If you want specific service providers, we will arrange that.
  • Why are there no prices listed?
    Our services are highly customized to our members. Because of this, we determine need and pricing during our initial consultation. However, to give an idea of a potential price, monthly memberships begin at $250. If you have questions, please send a note and we'll get back to you quickly.
  • Do you only serve Atlanta?
    While there are services that are Atlanta-specific, we serve a geographically diverse set of members.
  • Do I pay you for the membership and the service provider?
    Here are some examples to help you understand our process? Your request: Can you drop me off at the airport? SMR: Sure, what time? This service is included in your membership. Your request: Can you book a reservation for a date night at Pricci? SMR: Great, booked. You will pay for your dinner. Your request: Can you check on my plants while I'm on vacation? SMR: Our pleasure. This service is included in your membership. Your request: Can you research and book a dog groomer for Tuesday? SMR: We found someone amazing. Booked. You will pay the dog groomer. Your request: Can you pick up my groceries? SMR: Of course. This service is included in your membership. Your request: Can you accompany me to the gym? SMR: Yes, what muscles will we be working on? This service is included in your membership. Please contact us if you have more questions.
  • How do I get started?
    Contact us and we'll set up a chat to discuss your needs.
  • What's your process?
    Saturday Morning Reset uses a membership-based system. You need a membership to access our services. Memberships differ in terms of access and availability, pricing, and requests. We will determine your membership need based on an initial consultation. Each membership guarantees a number of monthly requests. Requests vary from "Can you pick up my dry cleaning?" to "Can you plan and book our annual family vacation?" to infinity. You can find a list of service groupings we offer under Services.
  • Can I customize the service to fit my needs?
    Each member is provided a highly customized service tailored to their lifestyle needs. Ask us anything.
  • What is a lifestyle management service?
    A lifestyle management service is a service designed to help busy individuals and families live a more convenient, stress-free life while enhancing their overall quality of life. How? Through more access, better experiences, and saved time.
  • Do I need a membership?
    Yes. We will set up a consultation to ensure our partnership is a good fit. Following, details about your membership will be discussed.
  • How do you handle privacy and confidentiality?
    We are committed to handling your affairs with the utmost confidentiality and discretion, ensuring your privacy is always maintained. Contact us if you have any specific concerns.
  • How do you handle emergencies or last-minute requests?
    We accommodate all requests.
  • Why do I need a lifestyle management service?
    While we manage your personal and professional responsibilities, you're free to experience peace of mind, dynamic experiences, and comfort. Having one point-of-contact for all of your needs saves infinite time and mental overwhelm.
  • Will you deliver the plants to me?
    Yes! We can schedule a personal delivery and set up your new live plant in the space we chose together.
  • Do you travel?
    Yes, we travel. If you require our services in another city or state, please visit the contact us page and discuss your needs.
  • What happens if the plant dies after delivery?
    We’d be devastated. If we deliver a live, healthy plant and it dies within one week, we will replace it (only applicable when maintenance service is purchased).
  • What happens if I book a rehab service and the plant dies?
    We do not accept rehabs we don't think will respond well to treatment, so we do not offer refunds on plant rehabs.
  • When you plant sit, will the plants stay at my house or with SMR?
    We prefer the plants stay in their natural habitat to avoid issues with acclimating and shock. However, under special circumstances, we are able to board plants..
  • What if I don’t like the plant?
    You will!
  • Do I need a consultation?
    Yes, every service includes a consultation. But, you can also just book the consultation. A consultation is for quick recommendations.
  • How often can you come and check on my plants?
    Each plant has different needs. We have weekly, biweekly, and monthly maintenance services.
  • What about plant accessories?
    We have access to 20+ vendors to give you the full plant experience. We will consult about your accessory needs and deliver them with your live plant.
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